Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Nut Graph

       Nut graph basically explains the value of a news story. It is an editorial slang term used for newspapers. It tells the readers why the story matters and puts it into context. It can summarize the key points of a story. It can be a simple declarative sentence. Or it could also be a long paragraph. The nut graf basically supplies the directions and the readers will hopefully understand it.
        To write a nut graf you have to know why your story is newsworthy. You have to think about the 5 W's and the 1 H. You have to capture a story's "sweep." Who is affected by the story? Why is the development happening? You won't see this term though in an actual sentence.  Many believe this is the most important part of the whole story. It will improve the stores composition. The Nut graf is usually combined with the lede. people usually ask, "Why am I reading this?"  The nug graf answers that for the readers.

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