1. The camera obscure is the optical effect where a hole is created in one wall of a darkroom
and if you shine light through that wall, the outside light is projected on the opposite wall upside down.
2. The modern camera became closer when Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens "perfected the understanding" of high quality lenses and optics.
3.In 1927, Joseph Niepce added film as the final step for the modern camera.
4. They both have a lens and they both have the final masterpiece of a photograph.
5. Reusable computer memory.
6. Auto: point and shoot thats it Program: point and shoot but you can control flash and other things
7. Blurs out the background by choosing the fastest aperture
8. Sports mode is used why you have to take pictures of moving things. Uses the fastest shutter.
9. Using the half presser has faster response time, more control over focus, and better composition.
10. This symbol is disabled flash. You use then because sometimes the natural light looks more dramatic and better.
11. This symbol is auto flash. Its automatic so it happens when needed.
12. If there is too much light the picture will be washed out.
13. If there is not a lot of light it will be too dark.
14. "Stop" is used to represent a relative change in the brightness of the light.
15. One stop brighter
16. Two steps brighter
17. Longer shutter speed is more light
18. Shorter shutter speed has less light
19. An opening before where the light reaches the film
20. Having larger openings will increase the light.
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