Thursday, September 25, 2014

Christian's Work Reaction Part 1

I really liked Christians work because it adds a spin to the photograph, which is my favorite kind of picture. I think he made these photos by took a scattered panoramic of these photos.  I would like to take this photo of building downtown in Austin.  Maybe the capital or something.  Te building is really pretty and you can get easy access to it.

Next Photoshoot ideas

I think that we could take photos in classrooms and places where students are studying.  The class i really would like to visit is the Art room because they're always doing something and that would be interesting.  I would also want to take photos in the theatre or band room for the same reason.  I've always found that you can get the best photos in those type of environments.  To get really good photos like the ones i saw today, i'll try to put a spin on them and get a different point of view for everything.  Like maybe take a picture of someone doing something from a really high angle and then a really low angle, and see which one is better.

Joster Photo Contest Favorite Photo

My favorite photo from the Academics and Community Service area was the second place photo called "Quantum Mechanics"taken by Hannah Kunz.  I really like this one because the photo was taken on the other side of glass or something as the person in the photo wrote an equation on the glass.  I really like that point of view.  The rules of photography was probably balance and the rule of thirds.

Academic Preview Shoot Assignment

The Story
I think this tells the best stories out of all the yearbook photos because you can pretty much tell what it they're doing.  You can tell that they are probably praying or having a moment of silence for the flag.  They are probably part of a school club that allows them to put the flag up and they are wanting to show their respect.  This shows balance. f
Action and Emotion
This one shows the most action and emotion i think because their action is the science experiment and their emotion is wonder and happiness at what the outcome of the experiment is, the bubble and soapy stuff in the air. 

Filling the Frame
This one shows the most interesting stuff and filling the frame at the same time.  they are probably teachers and are just having a good time.  The photographer was able to get all the action things in the frame while still making it interesting.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Most unethical and ethical photos out of examples

I think this manipulation isn't as unethical as others because its not changing an actual person or political event or important event.  It's not going to make a huge lie or hurt someone or something.  While it still is unethical and they shouldn't have doctored this photo for a magazine cover, it isn't as bad and wouldn't make such a lie out of the photographer as the others did.  The photographer isn't totally changing the whole photograph, or the animals 

Out of all the examples i looked at of doctored photos, I think this was probably the most unethical.   Girls are already really insecure about they bodies most of the time, and when a national magazine puts their head on another body, because they think that body is better or prettier, that takes it to a whole other level. This magazine cover is basically stating that Oprah's body isn't as beautiful as others, while it really is.  It's showing that they think this is the perfect body.  

Photo Manipulation

When a photographer doesn't like how his photos turn out or just wants to change it, he sometimes uses photoshop or other software to add, take away, and change things in the photo.  Many times when their happens and someone catches it, they will probably get fired and all of their photos will be taken away from where they were. I think this type of manipulation is unethical because these photos are some of the most import ants ones, because they are capturing important event and political events etc.  When you alter the look of those photos, then the pictures aren't telling the truth.  Which isn't moral because your lying and maybe taking away the most important part of the photo just because of your opinion.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Post Shoot Reflection

1.  The challenges i had while trying to find the perfect shot was trying to find a different perspective for each prompt.  I didn't want to just do someone smiling for happy, i wanted to find a different and better way to look at "happy."
2.  I found being able to focus the camera was something that i had to think about more than other technical aspects.  Sometimes the photos i took would come out a little blurry, which i didn't like.  So i tried to hold the camera really steady and focused the camera myself, and the photos came out better.
3.  If i could do the shoot over again, i would probably do some better framing pictures.  I think my simplicity pictures were pretty good, but my framing needs work.
4.  I would do the same for the simplicity composition photos.  I think those were my best of all the photos i took.

I really liked the "happy" photo because the person was in the air and its are to get a picture like that that isn't blurry.  I also really liked the metal photo because you could see the fence really clearly. I think the Bowie photo could have been improved a little because there were some distracting things in the picture like the bricks in the upper corners and the holes that are in the concrete.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Extra Credit The Falling Man

I had already known about this Falling Man story because i had watched a full documentary on a journalist trying to find out who the man was. I feel really sad after reading this again because I hate knowing that the man felt he had no other choice.  I also feel for the family, because for a while they had been told by everyone that their husband and father, was the falling man.  That must have been horrible, because they would feel like he had just given up and wasn't trying to stay with them and come back to them.  Plus they were Christians so it goes against what they believe in.  I think this picture is probably one of the most powerful. important, and horrific photo that was taken that day.

9/11 Photo Compositions

Avoiding Mergers
I chose this photo for avoiding mergers because it is showing that the smoke is coming from  her back even though its from behind her.  It could also seem as if the arm on the right side is making it happen, even though its not. 
This one shows framing because the city buildings are framing the picture and drawing the viewer's eyes to the person in the front.  The background is sort of blurry and it shows the dust and the buildings and makes us look more at the person and the ground too.  
Rule of thirds
This is the rule of thirds composition photo i chose of 9/11.  I chose this one for the rule of thirds because the main firefighter  is on the left side and there are other objects in the rule of thirds grid.  Like the pole is in the middle right of the frame, and the blocks are on the bottom.
This is the balance composition photo i chose of 9/11. I chose this one for balance because there are people filling up the whole frame.  They are all the same color because of the ash.  This also helps balance the photo. 
I chose this photo for the Simplicity composition of 9/11.  I chose this one because  she's the only person in the image, there isn't much in the background so we focus on the lady instead of any distractions there might be, there aren't any distractions.

I chose this photo for for lines composition of 9/11.  I chose this one because  the lines are leading the man,  you can tell where he is going.  While its a very sad photo, the composition is pretty good because its getting the lines of where the man is heading, and there is depth that make you look twice. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

National Geographic

This was my favorite photo because owls are one of my favorite animals.  I like how the owl is clear and your can see every feather on him but the background is blurry, which adds to the affect. I also really like the determination on the owls face.  He is determined to get to wherever he is going.  Overall, this is just a beautiful picture and animal.  If i would submit a photo to the contest, i would want to take a  picture of some sort of animal or natural event.  Also maybe a powerful picture of someone in the world going through hard times. 

Touching People

1.  I think its really cool of this photographer to do this because he's letting people get out of their comfort zones and making them touch people he doesn't know.
2.  Im open to mostly anything so would probably do it.  It would also be pretty fun to do that too.
3. An alternate idea that would also be cool would be to group up some people who don't know each other and make them do weird poses to make something.  Like making a group make a letter or shape ad then shooting that.
4.  The photos are pretty good.  Most of the people in them look uncomfortable, but is amusing some of them.  The lighting is really good in a ll of them too.
Mark Pardew/Reuters
I chose this photo because i love animals and i like seeing anyone who chooses to help them.   I liked how the man was holding the koalas hand and was able to get both of their bodies in the picture. I think this picture made the top 40 because it shows the bond that forms when a disaster strikes. 

Aaron Thompson
I chose this photo because it touched me how sad the boy looked and how he was tying to hold back tears and be a big boy for his father. The photographer was able to get him with that expression on his face, which is how it makes the photo so important.  I think this picture made the top because its monumental by showing how this happens and the expression on the boys face and being strong for his father, and honoring him. 

I chose this photo because it meant a lot and showed the crossing of the racial line in the Olympics. I'm really big on racial stuff and i believe everyone is the same, so when i see things like this i like it, even though racial prejudice still goes on today. The photographer was able to get their whole bodies, but the picture is a little blurry, which i like.  This made the top 40 because it symbolizes bravery and friendship and crossing the prejudice line.

Photo shoot prompt favorites






1. I think that the idea for which the photos portray is really cool.  They open up a new perspective on the human face, while keeping the main feature (the eyes).  Each of the pictures had different eyes, which gave them all different personalities.
2. When i first looked at the photo, it did take a while to figure it out.  At first i thought it was of people with deformities on their faces, but then i realized their faces were upside down because you could tell the eyes were shaped upside down and there were forehead creases on the bottom.
3.  I would like to try to do something like this sometime because it put a whole different look on the human face and i think that is great.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Black and White photographers part 2

Robert Doisneau was born on April 14 1912 and died on April 1 1994 and was a french photographer. He was raised by an unlovin gaunt when both of his parents were dead.  He enrolled at a craft school and was introduced to the arts.  And when he was 16 he started taking Amateur photos first of rocks (because he was so shy) then moving on to people. He worked for studios and was a camera assistant.  He changed his job again and in 1932 he sold his first photographic story to a magazine.  In 1939 he took his first professional street photos when he was traveling in France with a man who had hired him to find sties to photograph.  Also, he was drafted into the french army as a photographer and soldier in 1940.  After the war he went back to freelance photography and sold some photos for Life. He was married to Pierrette Chaumaison and had two daughters, one of which was his assistant till his death. His most famous photograph was of a couple kissing in the streets of France.Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (Kiss by the Town Hall.  He died of acute Pancreatitis in 1994. 


The Camera

1. The camera obscure is the optical effect where a hole is created in one wall of a darkroom
and if you shine light through that wall, the outside light is projected on the opposite wall upside down.
2. The modern camera became closer when Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens "perfected the understanding" of high quality lenses and optics.
3.In 1927, Joseph Niepce added film as the final step for the modern camera.
4. They both have a lens and they both have the final masterpiece of a photograph.
5. Reusable computer memory.
6. Auto: point and shoot thats it     Program: point and shoot but you can control flash and other things
7. Blurs out the background by choosing the fastest aperture
8. Sports mode is used why you have to take pictures of moving things. Uses the fastest shutter.
9. Using the half presser has faster response time, more control over focus, and better composition.
10. This symbol is disabled flash.  You use then because sometimes the natural light looks more dramatic and better.
11. This symbol is auto flash.  Its automatic so it happens when needed.
12. If there is too much light the picture will be washed out.
13.  If there is not a lot of light it will be too dark.
14. "Stop" is used to represent a relative change in the brightness of the light.
15. One stop brighter
16. Two steps brighter
17. Longer shutter speed is more light
18. Shorter shutter speed has less light
19. An opening before where the light reaches the film
20. Having larger openings will increase the light.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Great Black and White Photographers and Photos

Eugene Atget

W. Eugene Smith
Frontline Soldier with Canteen
Saipan, June 1944

Robert Doisneau
L'Accordeoniste, rue Mouffetard
Paris, 1951

First Day Photos

This was my best photo because i really like how its clear where Jasmine is and its blurry in the background. And since there is a person in the background, but she is blurred, it shows that the clear person is focused on her locker and isn't thinking of much else. I also like the lighting because it suits this photo.  And i like her expression, it looks as if she might be bored. 

This is my worst photo because the quality of the picture is horrible.  I wasn't able to focus so close to her eye so the photo came out blurry.  Also, the lighting of the hallways would have made the skin look a little gauntly too so the lighting wasn't great either.  If it was in better lighting and i had focused better this would have been a pretty good photo.